After a year of training in thoracic surgery department of Professor Jean-François REGNARD at Cochin Hospital, Dr. OUM Setthikun, acquired the knowledge that allows him to launch thoracic surgery on AKS hospital with his colleagues.
He left France on 14 October to Phnom Penh, and the delegation of the November regain November 13 for the opening of the thoracic surgery unit.
After the return of Dr. OUM Setthikun, it was the turn of Dr. SENG Virak to come do an internship for one year in France, DFMSA Pneumology at the Hospital of Bligny.
The President and Secretary General welcomed the October 28, in the company of his friend BAN Ratha, obstetrician gynecologist, assigned to a year in LARIBOISIERE hospital.
They are in great shape both, and the association addresses all encouragement.
On November 13, a new mission begins to prepare the surgical mission in January and March 2015. It will also participate in the inauguration of the thoracic surgery unit at the AKS important step of the initial objectives of AIR Khmer.